
Our Venmo Developer and Payouts APIs have been retired, and we are no longer able to provide access to businesses who may want to start using it. To find out more about how you can use Venmo as a payment method in your checkout experience, visit

For existing businesses who were granted access to the Developer or Payouts API in the past (generally prior to 2016), you will retain access to these APIs and may use them.


Do I need a Venmo account to use the API?

Yes, an account is required to create an app and start developing. Register for an account here.

Can I only pay other Venmo users?

Nope! You can pay any email, phone number, or Venmo user.

What can I use the OAuth API for?

You can use the API to pay or charge on behalf of Venmo users, access their friends, and keep track of payments. Check out the payment and user endpoints.

Is there a sandbox to test the API without spending money?

We provide a simple sandbox for testing out payments without spending money. The documentation for that can be found here.

Are there any client libraries?

There are currently no client libraries for the Venmo OAuth API. At this time, we are only offering web endpoints that you can interact with via HTTP requests.

Why are some fields null?

We have made a conscious decision to include all keys in responses, regardless of whether you have access to them. If you're getting a null response, most likely the token you're using does not have the appropriate scopes.

Need More Help?

If you have questions, feedback or bug reports, visit our FAQ for more information.