
Our Venmo Developer and Payouts APIs have been retired, and we are no longer able to provide access to businesses who may want to start using it. To find out more about how you can use Venmo as a payment method in your checkout experience, visit

For existing businesses who were granted access to the Developer or Payouts API in the past (generally prior to 2016), you will retain access to these APIs and may use them.

Payments Endpoints

Payments on Venmo have notes attached and can be made to other Venmo users, email addresses or phone numbers. Payments also include charges. For more information about the fields, click see below.

Make a Payment/Charge

POST /payments

Pay or a charge an email, phone number or user.


  • make_payments
  • access_balance (optional)
access_token (required)An authorized user's access token.
phone, email or user_id (required)Provide a valid US phone, email or Venmo User ID.
note (required)A message to accompany the payment.
amount (required)The amount you want to pay. To create a charge, use a negative amount.
audienceThe sharing setting for this payment. Possible values are 'public', 'friends' or 'private'.

Recent Payments

GET /payments

Get a list of the current user's most current payment and charges.


  • access_profile
access_token (required)An authorized user's access token.
actionFilter for only payments or only charges. Possible values are 'pay' and 'charge'.
actorFilter for only transactions initiated by this user. You may provide multiple values, separated by commas.
statusFilter for only transactions matching this status. You may provide multiple values, separated by commas. Possible values are 'settled', 'pending', 'failed', 'expired' and 'cancelled'.
limitSet the maximum number of transactions to return.
afterReturn only transactions made after this date.
beforeReturn only transactions made before this date.<access_token>

Payment Information

GET /payments/:payment

Grabs information about a single payment or charge.


  • access_profile
access_token (required)An authorized user's access token.<access_token>

Complete a Payment Request

PUT /payments/:payment

Approve, deny, or cancel a payment request.


  • make_payments
access_token (required)An authorized user's access token.
action (required)Provide a value of 'approve', 'deny' if access token owner is the user who received the request, or 'cancel' if access token owner is the user who made the request.

Resource Information

idThe id of a user.
statusThe status of the payment. The possible values are 'settled', 'pending', 'failed', 'expired' and 'cancelled'.
actorA user object that describes the user that created the payment.
feeThe fee amount if the payment has a fee attached to it.
targetStores information describing who the payment was sent to. The 'type' field corresponds to the kind of information used to specify the target of this payment and has three possible values: 'email', 'phone' and 'user'. The fields 'email' and 'phone' are used if a payment was made to a user that is not on Venmo. If the payment was made to someone's email address, that email address will be in the 'email' field. Similarly, if the payment was made to someone's phone number, that phone number will appear in the 'phone' field. If you pay a user id, or a phone number/email that is connected to a venmo account, the 'user' field will contain information about that user (the 'phone' and 'email' fields will be null).
actionThe type of payment, possible values are 'pay' and 'charge'.
date_createdThe datetime this payment was created. The datetime is in ISO 8601 format.
date_completedThe datetime this payment was completed. The datetime is in ISO 8601 format. Payments with a 'pending' status will have a 'null' date_completed value.
noteThe note associated with the payment.
audienceThe sharing setting for this payment. Possible values are 'public', 'friends' and 'private'.
mediumThe medium the payment was created with. Possible values are 'ios', 'android', 'web' and 'api'.
refundContains the refund payment if this payment expired or was refunded to the user.

Need More Help?

If you have questions, feedback or bug reports, visit our FAQ for more information.